
Where's My Comment?

If your post has not appeared, chances are your post contains one or more of the following:

If your post seeks to insult or belittle people, we will not publish it. Avoid name calling, referring to people’s real names in childish terms , or other methods designed to belittle others.

If your post seeks to reveal or expose inside information that identifies others, or that contains enough detail to sufficiently have readers draw conclusions as to who you are referring to, and if that information has not been verified by an independent credible source, it will not be published.

If your post proposes to cite conversations that we are not prepared to verify, or is there is no way of verifying, it will not be posted. 

If your comment is designed to be solely argumentative and combative, without commenting on the issue being discussed,  it will not be posted.

If your post focusses on attacking the views of others, rather than putting forth a rationale and reasonable argument that counters the arguments of others, it will not appear. 

If you are posting an opinion, please post it without reference to any other poster, directly or indirectly.  Calling out others for their views only causes a phenomenon that will lead to the closure of threads. Please feel free to present your perspective, and do so without reference to others.
Thank-you. We are doing our best to keep the comments feature active.

If you have not affixed your name or chosen a handle, your comment will not be posted. 

It your comment includes snide remarks and/or attacks, rather than addressing the issue at hand, or if such snide comments prevail, it will not be posted.

If your comment is repetitive or if you paste a large amount of text from other sources, thus using up a lot of space, it will not be posted. We prefer that you express your opinion and support with with a link to a valid source, if you are so inclined. 

If your post attempts to speak on behalf of The Hamiltonian, it will not be posted. The Hamiltonian reserves the right to speak in its own voice.

These are just guidelines and examples and are not an exhaustive list.

Threads will be locked when behaviours and the conduct of some, have become unmanageable. We regret any inconvenience this causes readers who respect the site's policies.

Our goal remains to promote respectful discussion on topics of interest to Hamiltonians. Please help us to continue to do this, by posting your comments in a way that respects our policy.

The Hamiltonian Inc.

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Your comments are welcome. Please abide by the blog's policy on posting. This blog facilitates discussion from all sides of issues. Opposite viewpoints are welcome, provided they are respectful. Name calling is not allowed and any posts that violate the policy, will not be authorized to appear. This blog also reserves the right to exclude comments that are off topic or are otherwise unprofessional. This blog does not assume any liability whatsoever for comments posted. People posting comments or providing information on interviews, do so at their own risk.

This blog believes in freedom of speech and operates in the context of a democratic society, which many have fought and died for.

Views expressed by commentators or in articles that appear here, cannot be assumed to be espoused by The Hamiltonian staff or its publisher.