
Thursday, April 5, 2018

Media Release: Clr. Farr re: HWT New Citizen Appointees

The Hamilton Waterfront Trust Board of Directors (HWT) would like to advise the public of the following...

On Wednesday, March 28th City Council officially approved two new citizen appointees via the Selection Committee process to our HWT Board of Directors. These appointments provide a full compliment of HWT Board members.

We officially welcome Trent Jarvis and Bernie Mueller and thank them for their desire to serve as volunteers.

The HWT BoD is looking forward to having the matter of the plaintiff motion for a certificate of pending litigation argued in open court on Friday, April 6th beginning at 10am in room 704 of the John Sopinka Court House, where members of the public and the media will have the opportunity to observe and be informed.

Chair Jason Farr

1 comment:

  1. I know Mr.Jarvis.
    This is a step in the right direction.
    Good choice.


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