
Thursday, March 8, 2018

Media Release: Hamilton City Council approves 2018 Tax Operating Budget

HAMILTON, ON –  Today, Hamilton City Council approved the 2018 Tax Operating Budget allowing the City to build on its 2017 accomplishments and make significant ongoing investments in the growth of our city and the health and wellbeing of Hamilton residents. This year’s budget achieves a 1.9 per cent property tax increase (municipal and education), which translates to $76 for the average residential property assessed at $337,100 and is one of the lowest among comparator municipalities.

As part of this year’s 2018 Tax Supported Operating Budget, City departments have developed four-year (2018-2021) business plans that outline key priorities and milestones that support the City’s Strategic Plan and contribute to the City’s vision to be the best place to raise a child and age successfully.

2018 Budget highlights

· Hamilton’s tax competitiveness has improved since 2011; residential property taxes are currently 6 per cent above the average, versus 11 per cent.
· $3.4 million in capital financing to support $36 million in City funded transit capital projects, which leverages an additional $36 million in federal funding.
· $9.4 million towards Fire and Paramedic equipment, vehicle replacements, one additional ambulance and 10 full time equivalent paramedics.
· $80,000 towards Parks Patrol and Waterfalls Enforcement Team.
· $750,000 in energy savings thanks to converting 10,000 high pressure sodium street lights to energy efficient LED lights.
· $11.5 million towards Affordable Housing Initiatives.
· $87.9 million towards Roads, bridges, traffic, sidewalks rehabilitation including $19.4 million investment to address road deficiencies caused by the increased freeze-thaw cycle as a result of climate change ($19.4 million is distributed as $5.9 million for major arterial roads and $13.5 million to be shared by all 15 wards for local neighbourhood roads, financed over 15 years).
· $7.2 million towards Entertainment facility rehabilitation.
· Continuous improvement with the City’s Performance Excellence Dashboard with emphasis on the use of Results Based Accountability framework for performance measurement.
· Developing the City’s first Urban Indigenous Strategy.
· $25,000 investment toward the Music and Creative Industries Operations and Programming.

The City also takes in revenues annually from recreation user fees, government grants and subsidies, license and permit fees and property tax revenue, including revenue from the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG), which provided $5.3 million in revenue in 2017, helping to offset annual costs of delivering programs and services.

Additional Resources

2018 Budget – www.hamilton.ca/Budget2018

2018 – 2021 Multi-year Business Plans www.hamilton.ca/BusinessPlans

City of Hamilton Strategic Plan 2016 – 2025 www.hamilton.ca/StrategicPlan


“The 2018 budget will see the City of Hamilton among the lowest residential tax increases when compared to other similar sized Ontario municipalities. At the same time, we have been able to preserve and expand services our residents count on; such as affordable housing, public transit, road repairs, child care spaces and seniors’ programming.”

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