
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Media Release: City working to repair impacts of winter storm

HAMILTON, ON – Due to recent weather conditions, the City experienced extreme freezing and thawing temperatures which resulted in significant pavement damage and potholes on streets.

City crews are currently focusing on several road priorities; winter control activities which includes sanding, salting, plowing, and continue with pothole repairs.

As there have been numerous potholes reported to City staff, the City cautions motorists to drive defensively as they travel about the City, which includes:

Reducing speed of travel and preparing for a slower than usual commute;
Maintaining constant attentiveness to road conditions, pedestrians and cyclists;
Following other vehicles at a safe distance;
Maintaining clear views by thoroughly clearing your vehicle of snow, ice and mud;
Properly maintaining your vehicle, particularly tires, headlights and windshield wipers.

Residents and motorists are asked to report potholes by contacting the City’s Customer Service Contact Center during regular business hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 905-546-CITY (2489). When reporting potholes, residents are asked to provide detailed information such as location (street addresses or intersections) and estimated size of the pothole. This will assist staff in prioritizing efforts.

1 comment:

  1. when reporting potholes, residents are reminded to inform their Councilor which pothole they placed their first tax installment payment into, that way we can scoop them up and fritter them away as soon as possible.



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