In recognition of this troubling trend, we reached out to the Hamilton Police Service to get a better understanding of this phenomenon in Hamilton.
The graph above was provided by the Hamilton Police Services in response to our questions below. The graph clearly depicts a troubling rise in gun violence , particularily from 2015 and reaching a peak in 2017, and the year's not over yet.
1. Can you provide statistics related to how many deaths occurred by gun violence in Hamilton over the last several years. We are interested in at least a three year to present timeframe, or further back if possible.
We have been advised that the graph above does not represent deaths by gun violence but rather the number of shootings. The following stats have been provided as clarification in terms of the number of deaths:
In 2017 (as of Nov 7th), there have been a total of 38 Shootings, 21 Victims and 3 Deaths compared to 22 Shootings, 12 Victims and 7 Deaths in 2016
2. What factors can serve to account to an increase in gun violence in our city? How are the police dealing with this and what other partnerships are being exercised in order to be as effective as possible in curtailing this type of violence?
We believe these shootings are targeted. Targeted means there is a connection between the shooter and the victim. The HPS works collaboratively with other law enforcement agencies at all levels including municipal , provincial, and international to combat illicit drugs and the associated violence that often accompanies the drug subculture. The Investigative Services Division of the HPS is dedicated to gathering intelligence and using it to identify those responsible for these types of crimes. The HPS is a member of the Provincial Weapons Enforcement Unit which focuses of Investigating criminal offences often involving firearms.
3. Some believe that mental health issues are a driving factor in gun violence, while the research seems to suggest otherwise. Do you have any observations with respect to this in the Hamilton experience?
We are still investigating many of these incidents but we know drugs tend to be an underlying motive.
4. What can you say to Hamiltonians with respect to feeling safe on Hamilton streets, particularly in light of gun violence?
We recognize the impact that a shooting has on our community. One shooting is too many. We take these incidents extremely seriously and Hamilton Police Service is working diligently to identify all those involved.
As a community, we need to work together. We believe there are people out there who have information about some of these crimes. We encourage anyone with information about these crimes to contact HPS at 905-546-4925 or to provide information anonymously, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or submit your anonymous tips online at"http://www.crimestoppershamilton.com__
5. Is there anything else you’d like Hamiltonians to know about this issue?
As a community, we need to continue working together. If you see something, say something. If we mobilize our entire community, the impact on the wellness and safety of all Hamiltonians is limitless.
Very troubling. What is happening in Hamilton and how comes it is getting exponentially worse?
ReplyDeleteWhile I am certain they do not explain the entire situation, I am just as certain they do account for the dramatic rise in "home invasion" situations. Advertising to criminals that you possess a ready supply of powerful narcotics squirreled away in your medicine cabinet seems to all but ensure a late night visit, often now by armed invaders.
It is tempting to let these sorts resolve their own "disputes" but the prevalence of weapons only increases the risk to innocent bystanders. It is a difficult situation to police.
I think the only solution would have to include a revisit to our collective dependence upon pain medication.
I am not sure the police have a good handle onnthis, and since Decaire left, I haven't seen any progressive policing. I don't want to blame this all on the police, but if they can't manage this problem, who will?
ReplyDeleteJust Sayin...
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DeleteIf the police know that drugs are an underlying motive, what are they doing about how drugs on getting on our streets? I thought there's be a more thorough answer.
apparently they are working on perfecting their subconscious efforts at psychologically detaining these felons. Stay tuned.
The Year of the Gun is damned right. Wonder how long it'll take MSM to catch on?
ReplyDeleteFigurines and Barbie Dolls