
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Media Release: City launches Citizen Dashboard in time for Fire Prevention Week

HAMILTON, ON – The first phase for the City of Hamilton Citizen Dashboard launched today at hamilton.ca/citizen-dashboard to provide citizens an opportunity to access information about City service performance and how these services help contribute to quality of life in our city. To showcase Hamilton Fire Department information, in line with Fire Prevention Week, the Hamilton Fire Department is the first municipal service sharing their performance and service information data.
Data from 9 additional municipal services will be added to the dashboard in December 2017.

With this first phase, Hamilton Fire shared13 data set summaries including residential and commercial fire service information. The dashboard includes straightforward indicators of how services are continuously improving over time.

Residents can provide feedback and make suggestions on the Citizen Dashboard through citizendashboard@hamilton.ca.

Quick Facts

· The pilot launch of Hamilton Fire Department data is timed to align with Fire Prevention Week (October 8-14, 2017).

· The following 9 municipal services will be sharing data later this year:

· Building permits and inspections
· Economic development
· Ontario Works
· City Finances
· Food Safety (food premise inspections)
· Water supply and distribution
· Transit (HSR)
· Housing Services
· Waste/Recycling

· This Citizen Dashboard work is part of the items being moved forward from the Value-for-Money Consulting Report: Performance Measures Research and Next Steps report (AUD16022)

Additional Resources

The City of Hamilton Citizen Dashboard is available at www.hamilton.ca/citizen-dashboard


“The City of Hamilton is focused on improving the experience residents have with their municipal government and using data to drive decisions. This Citizen Dashboard is a way to make more information available and easy to access quickly. I would like to commend the Hamilton Fire Department for being the first municipal service to share their data and look forward to the additional performance and service information being shared later this year with our residents.”
Mayor Fred Eisenberger

"The City of Hamilton is committed to improving the way it communicates with residents about the performance of our municipal services. This is a positive step towards openly sharing accessible information that clearly shows how our services are performing. We will continue to build on this citizen dashboard and use this performance data to help improve operations and better service residents.”
City Manager Chris Murray

“In an effort to highlight the valued services provided and increase the level of trust and confidence with our citizens, the Hamilton Fire Department is pleased to present a number of performance measures that depict service levels and identifies continuous improvement.”
Hamilton Fire Department Chief David Cunliffe

1 comment:

  1. looking forward to the Transit (HSR) data release, it will be interesting to see if data can explain the current labour relations quagmire.
    I bet it will.
    Some have questioned the delay in hearing back from the Province concerning Council's request to have HSR operate and maintain LRT.
    Apparently it has taken some time and careful planning to orchestrate a smear campaign intended to undermine the community desire to have local transit remain in public control.
    Once the dust settles, and the picture clears,who has done what to whom will be obvious.


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