
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Media Release: City of Hamilton says “we’re in” to Amazon

In a unanimous vote, the City of Hamilton says “we’re in” to Amazon

HAMILTON, ON – The City of Hamilton is throwing its hat into the “Amazon” ring, to be considered for their new, second corporate headquarters dubbed Amazon HQ2. In a unanimous Council vote, the City is sending a clear message to the Seattle-based technology giant that we have the people, the infrastructure, the talent and the resolve to deliver results. HQ2 involves the creation of 50,000 jobs in the next ten to fifteen years and $5 billion in capital expenditures.

“This represents a significant opportunity that our team is focused on pursuing. The economic and creative transformation of our city aligns perfectly with Amazon’s expansion plans. We know we are going to be competing with cities from across North America and we are confident in the value, excitement and energy Hamilton brings to what we believe will be a winning proposal,” says Mayor Eisenberger.

When reviewing Amazon’s request for proposal, the City looked closely, both at the attributes of the type of city they were seeking as well as the technical and land requirements. Considering a number of these key elements, the City sees its strength on a multitude of fronts as a solid match for Amazon’s requirements and business drivers.

The economic development opportunity is deemed a game changer and a solid way to show that Hamilton is investing in the city for future generations.

Welcome Amazon to our city: https://youtu.be/QigA9LD9hCM


  1. I think this is a dumb move that will cost taxpayers money that we can't afford to spend. I am against it.

    I hope they take down that video. It looks like a high school sudent did it during a spare. Start with getting rid of the cheesy font at the start, and then pur Fred somewhere where the wind is not blowing. Next, don't film this on the escarpment unless you find a spot, if you can, where the weeds and wild grass isn't out of control.

    I hate to sound negative but come on people. And don't think Amazon won't research how this city has handled other big things.

    The fact that there was unanimous support is screaming for term limits.

    Just sayin...

  2. we have the people, (we have half the people identified as a prerequisite in the RFP)
    we have the infrastructure (we have the worst road in Ontario)
    we have the talent (we have no one on staff talented enough to prepare and submit the bid. Not one.)
    God knows we have lots of extra cash lying around.
    Go get 'em Fred.

  3. Let's review the RFP, shall we?

    Here's a URL to it since you don't want to provide one but reference it in most posts the last few days.


    False claim 1. Jim says, "we have the people, (we have half the people identified as a prerequisite in the RFP)"

    From page 5:
    "Labor Force – The Project includes significant employment requirements at the threshold
    compensation levels described herein and with corresponding educational attainment of the
    available workforce. The Project must be sufficiently close to a significant population center, such
    that it can fill the 50,000 estimated jobs that will be required over multiple years. A highly educated
    labor pool is critical and a strong university system is required."

    Where's the reference to needing 1M people? Sounds like we have the draw of the GTHA in our favour. Sounds like we have the strong University system in our favour.

    False claim 2. Jim says, "we have the infrastructure (we have the worst road in Ontario)"

    We have an excellent network of 400-series highways nearby. We have the RHVP and Linc. But Burlington Street will keep them away.

    Again, from the RFP on page 3: ". A greenfield site of approximately 100 acres certified or pad ready, with utility infrastructure
    in place. The sites do not have to be contiguous, but should be in proximity to each other to
    foster a sense of place and be pedestrian-friendly." Pretty sure that doesn't exist in the lower city.

    False claim 3. Jim says, "we have the talent (we have no one on staff talented enough to prepare and submit the bid. Not one.)"

    Guessing this comment is directed at the talent on City staff rather than the talent pool of the region. While true that nobody has ever bid on an opportunity of this size and scope, it doesn't mean that we shouldn't. I'm sure there are jobs you are not qualified to do and get someone to do (perhaps working on your car, roofing your house, or pouring concrete footings for your deck). I guess since you have no expertise in that, you shouldn't do it.

    False claim 4. Jim says, "God knows we have lots of extra cash lying around."

    While true that we are cash-poor, the way to help dig us out of our infrastructure deficit is to not try to win new business. No risk, no reward.

    Go get 'em Jim.

    - The Ambitious City

    1. Hamiltonian AdminSeptember 30, 2017

      Ambitious City- we ordinarily do not allow for people to call each other out by name as invariably, it spirals downhill. Please refrain from doing so in future posts. Thanks for understanding.

      Hamiltonian Admin

    2. Lets review the RFP, shall we? But put on your Groucho Marx mask first, just for giggles.
      "Where's the reference to needing 1M people?"
      umm, page 1?

      "...in choosing the location for HQ2 Amazon has a preference for:
      *Metropolitan area with more than 1 million people"

      The balance of your rebuttal is sillier than some of your pro lrt comments. Pay a consultant to confirm the roof is leaking? After the fiasco with the furnace, your already "cash poor".
      Is your perspective influenced by how little you have contributed?

    3. you've confused ambition with avarice.


    4. The GTHA has more than 1 million people, that is clear, right? Once again, with no proof, we take our collective ball and go home.

      We can definitely fix our city by complaining and doing nothing. It's why we have the council we have. Thanks for playing.

      ~ The Ambitious City

    5. you have us competing against the GTA, that is clear right?
      What proof evades you now?

    6. It's worth it. No risk, no reward. I guess now that the cohort of 'who decides what' is shifting, it's difficult to embrace change. Oh well, you had a (good) run.

      ~ The Ambitious City

    7. it'll cost me a buck or two,and seal Fred's fate. Money well spent.
      We can all get back in our cars now.

    8. We have incompetence in our midst.Folks who think spraying half a million dollars against a wall somehow equates to change.
      We'd have better odds at the track.
      My cohorts consider my views slanted.I am friendless.
      Maybe one of the Amazons will embrace me? (what does slanted mean?)


  4. Eisenberger will be whistling Dixie..!
    Instead of the Mayor and Council and the City Manager focusing on the issues that hurt Hamilton's competitveness such as its tax rate, they are sidetracked on a wild goose chase that will end in one big goose egg. When you combine the city's taxes, fees and charges, with provincial and federal ones, the cost of doing business will be way over what one of the municipalities in the USA will be able to propose, especially after Trump's new tax reform.

  5. Ambition need to be tempered by capacity and good sense. One day we will understand this.

  6. Evr participate in one of those discussions; you know, you're sitting with a group drinking coffeee till the wee hours of the morning, discussing how the world needs to change. nd then you don't get up till 1pm the next day. This sounds like one of those discussions. Sounds like council doesn't realize how unrealistic this is.

    Just sayin

  7. we have children in our community who show up at School hungry, are exposed to "drinking water" with unsafe levels of lead, and...surprise...are performing poorly in mathematics compared to their contemporaries.
    Fred and Council are hoping these Amazons are more responsible than themselves.


  8. the Mayor invests HIS money in marijuana growing operations.
    while investing OUR money in "long shots" that do not have the support of the electorate.
    That trip to Colombia is starting to make a little sense now.

  9. "Welcome to unstoppable"
    Next stop, immovable.


  10. CNN is reporting thatNew York has bid. Another U.S. had its mayor buy 1000 items from Amazon and donate them to charity. Another U.S. city offered to change its name to Amazon. And what are the chances of a U.S. company relocating to Canada under Trump's American first mantra?

  11. under Fred's watch, this is what passes as an "economic development strategy"
    Pray for us.


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