
Monday, July 24, 2017

With Clr. Jackson- on LRT/HSR

Recently we reached out to Clr. Tom Jackson with respect to the question of LRT and HSR. Below are our questions, followed by the Clr.'s reply.

1. Recently much attention has surrounded Clr. Green’s efforts to insist that LRT is run and maintained by the HSR. We note however, that you brought this matter up much earlier in the process. From your perspective, what was the fate of your efforts and why do you think it ended that way?
2. Do you still believe that HSR should run and maintain LRT?
3. How would you account for the sudden resurgence of emphasis on this matter?
4. Is there anything else you’d like Hamiltonians to know about your views on LRT at this juncture?

The Clr. replied through his office, as follows:

In responses to your questions below, Councillor Jackson has asked that I relay to you that as he stated in his April 26, 2017 LRT speech submitted as one of his stipulations in support of the project, he does support the operation of the LRT ultimately being run by the City of Hamilton's HSR.

Thanks to Clr. Jackson for engaging with Hamiltonians via The Hamiltonian.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Link of the Moment

How They Voted in May, from our friends at C.A.T.C.H.

Monday, July 10, 2017

With Eric Tuck (President ATU Local 107) on LRT

Enjoy our chat with Erik Tuck, President of ATU Local 107, regarding support for LRT. 

1. Recently Clr. Green announced that he would be bringing forth a motion to council, to suggest that HSR be deemed the operator/maintainer of the LRT system in Hamilton, should it proceed. Given that the suggestion is coming a little late in the process, how are you receiving it? Do you see it as more of a symbolic gesture or do you see it as meaningful?

We believe strongly that public transit is a public service and that it should remain under public control. As the HSR is the public transit system here in Hamilton, it makes absolutely no sense to privatize LRT and have two systems. Our members can easily be retrained to operate and maintain LRT, so there really is no valid reason why HSR should not be running the new LRT system in Hamilton. In regards to the issue of timing we believe that during the operating agreement discussions is the best time to negotiate the best agreement for our transit system. Atu has been very vocal in our communications with Metro-linx and the Province both publicly and privately that the 3ps process is not acceptable in Hamilton so it should have been understood that we will be seeking a Hamilton solution.

2. Are you convinced that you have the necessary support to have your members treated fairly in this matter, or are you of the view that there is a significant struggle still ahead?

We are convinced that keeping transit public is the right thing to do. And we’re convinced that privatization of the LRT will not produce the kind of robust and accountable transit system that all Hamiltonians deserve. We believe that the public is on our side on this matter - we’ve seen how the privatization of hydro went. Our rates went up and we’re still holding the bag for the debt. 
I am hopeful that our City council will stand with us to ensure our members, passengers and community are treated fairly.

3. Is there anything else you’d like our readers to know about your local ATU’s views on LRT in Hamilton, at this juncture?

Our goal is to ensure that we keep transit public in Hamilton and that the highest standards are maintained. 

That is why we have launch our keeptransitpublic.ca campaign and are asking Hamiltonians to sign our petition.

We support the best possible future of transit in this city and know that our whole city would benefit from a successful Public Transit System. 

We want the best LRT possible and believe that Hamiltonians deserve nothing less. 

Public operation and maintenance will contribute to a better overall transit experience for riders and workers alike. 

Thanks Eric for engaging with Hamiltonians via The Hamiltonian. To see Mr. Tuck's previous chat with us, click here.