
Thursday, June 1, 2017

Media Release: M.P. Bratina

To celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary, Member of Parliament Bob Bratina is looking for nominations for 15 distinguished individuals from the riding of Hamilton East – Stoney Creek. Successful nominees will be individuals who strive to make a positive difference in the community by working to help those in need, advocating for an important cause, promoting a diverse and inclusive Hamilton, or inspiring local youth.

Whether it be through their devoted advocacy for an issue or their dedication to an organization that makes both Hamilton and Canada a better place, Hamilton is home to many incredible individuals who deserve to be recognize for their hard work.

To be nominated, one must be a constituent of the riding of Hamilton East – Stoney Creek; Canadian citizenship, however, is not a requirement.

Along with the PDF version of the nomination form attached to this email, online nomination forms can be found at https://goo.gl/forms/qlzpysfSXh6NtbOP2.

Selected nominees will be presented with a Canada 150 Sesquicentennial Pin given to MP Bratina by the Minister of Heritage Mélanie Joly.

Consisting of the Canada 150 logo and a piece of the original copper which covered the roofs of Canada’s Parliament from 1918 to 1996, these Sesquicentennial pins are a special keepsake to commemorate this important milestone in Canadian history. Likewise, these pins were made with the participation of the Ottawa-Carleton Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities.

Nominations will be accepted from June 1 to June 22, 2017, and the winning candidates will be presented with their pins at an awards ceremony in the evening on June 29.

We invite everyone to join us for the awards ceremony on June 29 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM to commemorate the achievements of Hamilton East – Stoney Creek’s most outstanding groups and individuals. The ceremony will take place at the Stoney Creek Municipal Centre (777 Hamilton Regional Rd 8, Stoney Creek, ON, L8E 5J4).

Thank you in advance for taking the time to consider deserving individuals to nominate.


  1. AnonymousJune 17, 2017

    Does Ryan McGreal live in Stoney Creek?

    Curious Voter

    1. AnonymousJune 19, 2017

      not yet,but we're working on it.

      Francis Buxton


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