
Saturday, April 22, 2017

Taking Care of Business- Tanya Smith Photography

Tanya Smith
In this edition of Taking Care of Business, feature whereby The Hamiltonian features a local business, we weclome Tanya Smith of Tanya Smith Photography. Enjoy our chat with Tanya:

1. Your photography business is located in the Cotton Factory. Why did you choose Hamilton and how long have you been in business in Hamilton?

Honestly, Hamilton was not my first choice. In fact it was not even on my radar, but I knew exactly what I wanted in a studio, but all I was finding was boring office spaces with low ceilings, no windows and beige carpet. When I started investigating more creative spaces, there was Toronto or Hamilton. Toronto was too far for me to drive, not to mention way too expensive, so I decided to check out the Hammer. The Cotton Factory was suggested to me, and the minute I stepped in the front doors, I knew I had found the new home for my studio. It was love at first sight! Brick walls, amazing windows with natural light, 18 foot ceilings, original hardwood floors- it's a photographers dream come true! And only 30 minutes away. I have been there for almost 3 years.

2. What sets your business apart from other like businesses? 

 I specialize in photographing women. I wont shoot your wedding, or your babies, but I am very good
at posing women and making them look their very best. A good pose can make or break an image (and a woman's self esteem!) Plus I am told I am pretty darn good at getting people to relax in front of my camera, so you love the whole experience. Every woman has told me 2 things after her photo session with me: 1. "I wish I did this sooner" and 2. "I can't wait to do it again!"

3. Who you you see as best benefitting from your services. Is there a target clientele who would be best suited for your services?

People ask me this and I tell them the same thing; My target client is... WOMEN! All woman from aged 10-100!! There is no one type of woman. There is no perfect age, body type or personality. Every single woman deserves to feel like a super model, at least once in her life. And every woman deserves to have a beautiful photo of herself. It's for the people who love her, her kids, husband, her parents, and future generations. But mostly, this is for her. 

4. Can you share a story about your proudest business moment. What were the circumstances and what makes it stand out in your mind?

I saw this lady in a restaurant, and I just knew I had to photograph her. Not because she was beautiful (she was), but because I didn't think she knew HOW beautiful she was. She was with her family, a husband and 3 young kids, and she looked a bit frazzled. I introduced myself, told her I would love to photograph her, and left her my card. Over the next year and a half, she contacted me twice to set up a consultation and backed out both times. I finally got her in my studio, we chatted while she got her hair and make up done, had a wonderful time shooting and when she came back in to see her images for the first time, she cried. She told me she had "forgotten" about being a woman- forgot how she looked as a woman, and not just a mom, or a wife. She told me she has not had a day that was all about "her" in years, and she was so happy for the experience. Three days later her husband called to thank me- he said his wife has not stopped talking about the photo shoot and is showing her photos to everyone. He wanted to thank me for reminding his wife what he tells her all the time- That she is the most beautiful woman in the world to him, and now, he said, "I have proof."

5. Is there anything else you’d like our readers to know about your business? What is the best way for people to reach you? 

A lot of women think they cant do a shoot like this I'm telling you, you absolutely CAN and SHOULD do it. My dream would be to have a woman have me photograph her every year till she is in her 40's or 50's or 60's. Can you imagine how amazing it would be to have that for yourself to give to your kids? Can you imagine how valuable that would be to you to have that of your mother? Or your grandmother? Photos on your phone, or selfies will never replace a professional portrait.

You can reach me;

WEBSITE: www.TanyaLsmith.com
INSTAGRAM: TanyaLsmith.photography
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/TanyaSmithPortraits
my PRIVATE facebook group FOR WOMEN ONLY: www.facebook.com/groups/555160311309334
YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/channel/UCJfsIcW3D5VDlK96_RUQ5Pw
EMAIL: Tanya @TanyaLsmith.com

Please note- The Hamiltonian receives no compensation for these features. 


  1. Can/do businesses submit themselves for a business profile and if so could you please direct businesses to your site policy/criteria/protocol in this regard (same with regard to reprint press releases)?

    1. The Hamiltonian AdminApril 22, 2017

      Also, for criteria on press releases please click on the link just underneath the site's main photo entitled media releases

  2. Hamiltonian AdminApril 22, 2017

    This is not a feature that we do frequently and thus, we have no set guidlines. We like to help local businesses from time to time. We can be reached at admin@thehamiltonian.info

  3. Thanks for telling about this. I may get the guts to do it

    Sylvia the hockey mom

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    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. The Hamiltonian AdminApril 23, 2017

      Please respect that this is an ad for a business. Please take discussions about lrt to another thread. Anyone can participate on those threads and there are plenty of them.


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