
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Letters Between The Mayor and the Province re: LRT/Eastgate

The following letters represent an exchange between Mayor Eisenberger and the province concerning the plight of LRT and the Eastgate option. 

To read the letters, click here and here.


  1. I am in Ward 6, have made my concerns known to Mr. Jackson, and am confident I have been heard.
    As stated previous, I have been impressed with his advocacy and respectful, professional, examinations. I believe he has a better grasp of the "big picture" than I, and truly believe he has the interest's of the broader community forefront in his considerations.
    I support his decision.

  2. Thrilled to hear the Mayor will be running again in 2018!
    There will be no ambiguity on the transport file this time around. We know where you stand. Any ability to present as a centrist has been undone by his own hand, and we will now be able to judge him based on his actions rather than his rhetoric.
    Remember those poll numbers?
    Fred will lose by a wider margin-to anyone running on a platform opposing LRT.
    At least 2 out of 4 incumbents in 1-4 will be turfed as well. Any guesses?
    Remember where you heard it first.


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