
Friday, March 3, 2017

Mayor Eisenberger- on Hydro Costs

With all the angst concerning hydro bills and questions about what the city is doing to advocate on behalf of Hamiltonians, we checked in with Mayor Eisenberger.

Mr. Mayor:

As you know, Hamiltonians continue to be concerned about the increases in the cost of hydro. We’ve been recently advised that Hamiltonians Against High Hydro group are planning a protest rally for March 8th on a related matter.

We respect the fact that you nor city council has ultimate control over the setting of hydro rates in the city or in Ontario. However, given the sustained angst that hydro rates are causing and the ongoing concerns of Hamiltonians, what measures has the city taken to advocate for Hamiltonians in this regard? Will any further measures be taken beyond what may have been done to date? If so, what is the nature of those measures.

The Mayor responded as follows:

"We continue to communicate with our Provincial partners, reiterating our concern over the rising costs of hydro and the impact it has on our residents, businesses and city operations.

The goal of municipally owned Local Distribution Companies such as the newly merged Alectra is to keep the cost of electricity distribution as low as possible.

On March 2nd the Ontario Government announced measures to reduce electricity rates by 25%.

Additionally, lower income residential customers enrolled in the Ontario Electricity Support Program could see an approximate 48% reduction in their bill. This announcement is a welcomed step for our community.”

What are your thoughts?  Is the Mayor and the city doing enough? What, if anything, should be done additionally? 


  1. Term Limits NowMarch 05, 2017

    The mayor's at the mercy of the province

    Term Limits Now

  2. It is interesting the Mayor's response to your Hydro question considering he voted against a motion presented to council by Councillor Sam Merulla in regards to the sale of Hydro One and the city's ownership of hydro distribution. He along with 9 other councillors voted against the motion. Please see motion below.

    Maintain Hydro One as a Wholly Owned Public Asset for the Benefit of All Ontarians (from the June 10, 2015 Council meeting)


    WHEREAS the public electricity system in Ontario is a critical asset to the economy;

    WHEREAS the public electricity system generates significant revenue for municipal and provincial governments and gives Ontario a competitive advantage;

    WHEREAS local control and decision making is important to meet the needs of our communities and residents;

    WHEREAS local electricity distribution companies provide a source of stable and predictable revenue to our communities;

    WHEREAS some Ontario municipalities have examined possible sales or mergers of their local distribution companies, and have decided not to sell to Hydro One or the private sector; and,

    WHEREAS the privatization, partial or whole, of electricity has led to higher rates and less control;


    (a) That the City of Hamilton call on the provincial government to:

    (i) Stop the sale of any part of Hydro One, and maintain Hydro One as a wholly owned public asset for the benefit of all Ontarians;

    (ii)Strengthen Hydro One by investing in the next generation of workers and upgrading aging infrastructure; and,

    (iii)Respect the autonomy and local decision-making powers of local distribution companies by not forcing these companies into mergers or sales;

    (b) That the City of Hamilton circulate this resolution for support to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and the Electricity Distributors Association and the Large Urban Mayors Caucus of Ontario (LUMCO).

    Item 7.1 above, as amended, was DEFEATED on the following Standing Recorded Vote:

    Yeas: Duvall, Collins, Merulla, Green, Farr, Partridge

    Total: 6

    Nays: Eisenberger, Whitehead, Jackson, A. Johnson, Conley, Pearson, B. Johnson, Ferguson, VanderBeek, Pasuta

    Total: 10


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