
Thursday, June 9, 2016

In tribute to Reverend Brother Michael Baldasaro

There was no-one quite like Michael Baldasaro, except perhaps Walter Tucker, his long time friend. Michael was a true original with a unique spirit and was a relentless passion for the causes he believed in.

If one did not know Michael, you might have found his appearance rather offputting. But Michael was a brilliant conversationalist, a bright and learned man and a man blessed with life experience and wisdom. 

He was fearless as he stormed our country's highest courts to stand up for his beliefs. As leader of the Church of the Universe, Michael held fast to his spirituality.

Michael will be dearly missed by Hamilton and by Hamiltonians. He was truly, "The Baldasaro".

Rest in Peace Brother Michael. 

The Hamiltonian

Please feel free to post your tributes and recollections on the life Michael.


  1. AnonymousJune 09, 2016

    I remember once I was in the washroom during a candidates debate. Micahel comes in and does his business at the urinal beside me. So, as we are talking I say to him- Michael, if you ditched all that marijuanna talk, I bet you'd be a much stronger mayoral candidate.

    Well Michael went to town with a barrage of arguments in favour of the "tree of life." It was then that I truly came to know that Michael actually believed in everything he said about cannabis.

    He was an interesting person and a character. Fair well our friend!

  2. That would convince me that my impression of a brilliant crazy man was correct

  3. AnonymousJune 12, 2016

    There is a fine between genius and insanity. I think Brother Michael was a unique and impressive man! I think it is sad that some others are just focussing on his pot use. Thats not all he was.

  4. Baldasaro symbolized the comic state of Hamilton, its crumbling infrastructure, lunch bucket image, and political shenanigans. His passing comes at a time when Hamilton is reinventing itself. In time, historians will call those years the Baldasaro era. We shall not remember Morrow, Cooke,Wade,DiIainni,Eisenberger and we will never forget Baldasaro. He made the others look good when by all counts they were terrible.Now that Cannabis is becoming legal Hamilton should lay claim to being the cannabis capital of Canada. We'll be known not just for Tim Hortons but also for the Weed. From Steeltown to Weedtown, Hamilton will have made the transition. Thanks to Baldasaro for showing the Way, the Truth, and the Life.


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