
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Food for Thought with Alex Bielak-Chili Times in Flamborough

Chili Times in Flamborough

It was hot, hot, and hotter at the Legion in Waterdown as folks sampled chili from a dozen restaurants during the 2nd Annual Flamborough Chili Festival. The beneficiaries of the September 21st fund raiser were the women and their families served by the Flamborough Women’s Resource Centre. Councillor Judi Partridge honoured me by asking me to again help in adjudicating the contest. I was much impressed by the uniformly high standards of the chilies served this year. It was clear returning competitors had upped their game and were in it to win it.

There were awards aplenty to be had, and I’m glad to report the Celebrity Judges recognised Roseto Culinary and Catering Services as winners in their category. I first introduced readers to the owners of the Waterdown-based business, Anna Hansen and her mother Elizabeth, in this column in July 2012: their second attempt at Chipotle Blonde Chicken Chili (it included charred peaches and cream corn and a mini-cornbread garnish) had been lightly porked-up over last year’s offering, improving flavour and winning them top honours.

The People disagreed, awarding Flamborough Downs their award for a chili based on over 25 pounds of deboned and de-fatted Prime Rib. They also took the “Most Creative Garnish Award” for a somewhat overwhelming add-on to the Chili, as well as the “Hot n Spicy Award”. Their armful of

awards also included a repeat win for “Best Classic Chili”. Bravo.

Last year’s run away winners (in my mind) Watermark Taphouse took “Best Booth & Display” honours, and more importantly, the “Most Unique Chili Award.” As last year when boar and apple were featured, their “Ducky Chocoberry Chili” (featuring smoked duck, chocolate and blueberries) was the most complex entry in the contest. It had many elements and massive depth of flavour, reflecting the long and involved process involved in its creation.

The folks at Bo’s Bistro were boisterous, and they took home the award for “Best Team Spirit”. Smoked bison and smoked cheddar were the key ingredients in Carlisle-based Cascata Bistro’s nicely smoky-sweet “Homestyle Award” chili (not the average home I’d suggest), while Boston Pizza with the “Bacon Double Cheeseburger” was unsurprisingly the “Kid’s Choice.” Dutch Mill Country Market and the Keg tied for the “Chili Guy's Choice.” The Keg went for it with both lobster and tenderloin added to the mix, while the Mill’s classic chili was ugly. To clarify, it used heritage “ugly” tomatoes.

Also notable in my book was Mill Street and 5’s molĂ©-like tomatillo-laden chili, redolent with textural contrast and fresh flavours. The vegetarian standard bearers - Pita Pit (a black bean chili) and Goodness Me (a mild vegetarian 7-bean chili) did not fare well in the hardware stakes, but their presence was appreciated, not least by those seeking vegan, gluten-free chili. The Old Marina crew came from as far as Cambridge to compete with their 3-bean, beef and pork homestyle chili, and I hope they and others come back next year to heat things up in Flamborough!

For more pictures. click here.

To see all past columns please see (and “like”) the Food for Thought Archives

Alex (Alex can be reached at fft@thehamiltonian.info or on twitter @AlexBielak)


  1. Thank you again Alex for helping judge our event. We are very pleased to announce we raised over $19,000.00 for this great community cause!
    Sandy Gray, Chili Fest fundraising committee member for the Flamborough Women's Resource Centre

  2. Thanks Sandy,
    as I hope came through it was a great event. As ever Flamborough showed its great spirit of volunteerism for a worthy cause. May the 3rd iteration be even more of a success.


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