
Saturday, January 25, 2014

50 Reasons why Alex Bielak's Food For Thought has been So Successful

Alex Bielak
 photo by Ninka Bielak
The Hamiltonian and our readership are truly fortunate to have Alex Bielak as our "foodie" and expert in the celebration of food and drink. Alex's enthusiasm for the appreciation of fine food and drink, is infectious and is laden with depth and elegance. With this week's edition of Food for Thought, Alex has reached a milestone marking this edition as his fiftieth.

Alex has definitely caught the attention of our readers and is also a sought after personality in the food and drink circles. He was invited to be a judge of the First Flamborough Chili Festival (http://www.waterdownlegion.ca/12415/Hall-Rental-Social-Events.htm) in support of the Flamborough Women’s Resource Centre and also a judge at the 1st Hamilton Battledish (http://dishcrawl.com/hamilton/) held last October. He has been to various food events including the Ontario Culinary Tourism Summit (https://ontarioculinary.com/octasummit/) and is a proud member of the Food Bloggers of Canada http://www.foodbloggersofcanada.com/

His writing will also be featured with our friends at Hamilton Magazine and has an article in the most recent edition of upcoming “Wine Food and Friends". Alex will also be featured in http://rarerepublic.com/ in the future.

Alex tells us that he is most happy that people read his material and that he is having fun writing. Thank-you Alex for your hard work, enthusiasm and contributions to The Hamiltonian. 

In truth there are not fifty reasons for Alex's success in The Hamiltonian and beyond; there is only one- Alex Bielak.

Cheers Alex and thank-you. We are all looking forward to edition 100 of Food for Thought ;-) For now, let's enjoy the fiftieth edition by clicking here.  

Teresa DiFalco and staff of The Hamiltonian


  1. Sylvia (hockey mom)January 25, 2014

    Cheers to you Alex. I read your articles all the time and I forward it to my friends.

    Sylvia (the hockey mom)

  2. I love your stuff Alex!!!!


  3. Very classy write up for a very classy feature. Keep up the great work Alex and TH!


  4. Thanks Sylvia, Severn and Paul: it is truly gratifying to have this kind of feedback (and other emails, Tweets and FB mentions too) and to know that my column in The Hamiltonian is appreciated.

    Thanks also, of course, to Teresa and staff at The Hamiltonian, particularly DIane who has been very supportive as I have interacted with her regarding each piece.

    I am particularly grateful to Teresa and Cal for agreeing, almost two years ago now, to undertake this little experiment. The Hamiltonian is a great media outlet, one that has allowed me to showcase other dimensions of our Region, and to contribute to a wonderful and engaged community.



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