Cornerstone Winery - Jerry and Nina Kopanski |
The July 18-24, 2013 edition of Hamilton’s View Magazine is their annual “Best of Food 2013” Edition and you can see the winners (located in both Hamilton and Burlington) on the website or simply extract the double fold ratings from the print edition for future reference. While there are some well-deserved victors, I’m frankly surprised at who’s missing from the list, but who am I to argue with the voters?
I’m always astonished at the number of categories people get to vote in, and thankful the ratings here are simple (gold, silver) rather than the confusing categorizations I’ve seen elsewhere and which I suspect are made up to further maximise advertising revenue. (Do we really need four sandwich categories over and above subs and pitas? Who knows if Platinum trumps Gold but not Diamond?)
A possible future contender when it opens in late summer (Sept?) may be the 28 Lister Chophouse Grill