It is not every day that one gets invited to dine with a General. Particularly one who fell on the field of battle two hundred years ago!
It was just such an invitation I received from my sister-in-law, and of course accepted with alacrity. Thanks Adrienne. With a grandish title herself (Regional Project Manager for the Western Corridor War of 1812 Bicentennial Alliance), she was down to film some morning show segments with Lori DeAngelis for CHCH TV, as well as ensure that Major General Isaac Brock got to all the events during his historic walk from “Muddy York” (aka Toronto) to Port Dover.
The dinner in question held in the Round Room at the Temple of the Scottish Rite of Hamilton was warmly hosted by the Hamilton Branch of the United Empire Loyalists, many of who turned out in period costume. I sat between the General and a Captain of the Caldwell Rangers (played by Zig Mistiak, Chair of the Brant County War of 1812 Committee.)
The charming Bob Rennie UE (the initials after his name mean he can trace his lineage to colonists who