
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Introducing Food for Thought, with Alex Bielak

Alex Bielak and our Publisher, Teresa DiFalco
I am pleased to announce a new feature on The Hamiltonian entitled "Food for Thought". As you may have guessed, Food for Thought will  be all about the art of wining and dining, related advice and tips, and places to go in and around our great city.

I am very fortunate to have enlisted  Alex Bielak, and true to our motto "Powered by Hamiltonians", Alex has donated his time and expertise. Here is a little bit about Alex.

Alex Bielak comes by his passion for food honestly. From an early age he spent most weekends and holidays working in his father’s wonderful delicatessen in London, England. At home, he grew up with a loving fusion of French and Polish cooking. He learned how to cook the perfect steak from his father and how to make a meal out of a few leftovers from his mother. Widely travelled, he developed a deep appreciation of European cuisine that quickly spread to all food once he came to Canada over thirty years ago.

As a keen amateur chef, who appreciates good wine and spirits, Alex loves to entertain. He is a member of both the International Wine and Food Society and Les Marmitons, a “social club of gentlemen who share a common interest in fine food, wine and the culinary arts.” He shares his kick-ass kitchen with his wife, two daughters, and grudgingly, two cats. He loves cooking gadgets and toys of every description.

If you would like to contact Alex, you can reach him at fft@thehamiltonian.info We are very much looking forward to Alex's column.

Welcome Alex!

Teresa DiFalco
Publisher, The Hamiltonian


  1. Welcome to the Hamiltonian Brother Alex!
    I look forward to reviewing your Gluten Free Recipes’.
    À votre santé!

  2. Sounds like Mr. Bielak will be a great addition to The Hamiltonian. I am looking forward to reading the column.


  3. Cool idea Teresa. I look forward to this feature. Great way to showcase the talent in Hamilton and the surrounding area. I am always anxious to try out new places to eat.


  4. Welcome Alex!
    I look forward to reading your column.

  5. Alex BielakMay 06, 2012

    Thanks all for the positive response to this and to Teresa for her kind welcome. Look for my first column coming later this week,

  6. SerendipityMay 06, 2012

    Delicious idea!
    Can't wait.
    Welcome Alex.

  7. Bravo Teresa! and WELCOME Alex...
    This will be a great treat for all of the Readers!!!


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